Account Information
How do I share my account on the Trellis dashboard app?
Watch the video below for a quick tutorial on sharing your account. Sharing your account allows another user to view or edit your data.
How do I change my email notifications?
1. Click on your profile in the upper right hand corner of the Dashboard, then select Settings. 2. Click Notifications. 3. If you'd like to change the email address receiving notifications, type in the new address and click Save. 4. If you'd like ...
How do I change my text notifications?
1. Click on your profile in the upper right hand corner of the Dashboard, then select Settings. 2. Click Notifications. 3. If you'd like to change where you'll receive text notifications, change the phone number and click Save. 4. If you'd like ...
How do I change the name / email associated with my account?
1. Navigate to the Settings page on the Trellis Dashboard. 2. Click Profile + Billing. 3. In the Profile section, click the pencil on the right. From here, you can edit your name and/or email address. Click the green check mark to save.
How do I change the credit card on my account?
1. Navigate to the Settings page. 2. Click Profile + Billing. 3. Click Change Card. 4. Enter your new credit card details and click Add Card. This will save your new card. For security reasons, your old card is not visible.
How do I change my software subscription?
Keep reading to learn how to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your software subscription. Sensor stations, sensor stations with an add-on rain gauge, and base stations with an add-on rain gauge each require a software subscription. 1. Click on your ...
Will my data subscription automatically renew or will I be sent a bill?
If you lease Trellis hardware through a managed service account, your data subscriptions renew automatically. If you own Trellis hardware, your data subscriptions are month-to-month and can be canceled at any time.
How much does it cost to access my data?
Data subscriptions are $25 per month per sensor station. You can learn more about our subscriptions here.